Qollab’s team has created two reports on conversion practices and sexual orientation and gender identity and expression change efforts (SOGIECE) in Québec and Canada. Conversion practices, also known as conversion therapies, are practices that aim to deny, suppress or change the sexual orientation, gender expression and/or gender identity of a person. SOGIECE are broader practices that are also more informal and less structured. For example, they can be comments or advice meant to suppress or change someone’s sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
Conversion practices and SOGIECE are harmful to the well-being and mental health of those who experience them. Thus, it is necessary to learn about the characteristics of these practices as well as the populations who experience them.
The first report presents data from I stand out! (2021-2022), an online survey developed with participants of the Jeunes Chercheur·e·s Queers program. The survey aimed to better understand the mental health issues faced by 2S/LGBTQIA+ 15-24 youth living in Canada.
The second report presents the Quebec data from Sex Now Survey (2019-2020), a survey conducted by the Community-Based Research Center (CBRC) on the health of gay, bisexual, and queer men and of trans, non-binary and Two-Spirit people. These reports were made possible thanks to the funding of the Bureau de luttre contre l’homophobie et de la transphobie of the Québec Government.
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