Participant needed for the PNP & CONSENT project

This research project examines how sexual consent is given, withdrawn, or negotiated in the context of Party N Play (PNP)/chemsex, with the goal of promoting sexual health and well-being among those who engage in it. Cette étude mobilise le photovoix, une méthode participative qui combine la photographie et l’entrevue. Comme cette recherche veut demeurer proche des réalités des terrains et se faire en collaboration avec la communauté, elle est épaulée par un Comité consultatif communautaire. Les personnes avec une expérience vécue sont au centre de notre projet. Nous valorisons les savoirs expérientiels et priorisons les retombées positives pour les personnes qui font du PNP. 

To participate in this study, you must: 

  1. Be either a trans woman, a non-binary person, a Two-Spirit person, a gay, bisexual, queer or trans man or a man who has sex with men; 
  2. Engage in PnP (i.e., use crystal meth, GHB/GBL, or ketamine in sexual contexts) in Montreal;
  3. Be 18 years of age or older; and 
  4. Speak and understand French or English.


Participation is anonymous, confidential and compensated (100$). It consists of: 

  1. An initial meeting of approximately 30 minutes (in person or online) with the researcher-student to further discuss the study, reflect on ethical issues, and address any additional questions you may have. 
  2. Taking photos that reflect your perceptions and experiences of sexual consent in the context of PNP. These photos do not need to be taken while you're engaging in PnP; for example, you could express yourself through symbols or visual metaphors. You do not have to reveal your identity.  
  3. A final meeting of approximately 90 minutes to discuss the meaning of these photos. 

A few words about the researcher-student: Max Gaudette (he, she, they)

Hi there, I'm Max. I'm conducting this research as part of my Ph.D. in Public Health (specializing in health promotion) at the Université de Montréal. As a queer young researcher, it is crucial for me that my research positively impact communities (which I am often part of). My commitments to the 2S/LGBTQI+ communities are rooted in social justice and critical thinking.

Project co-directors : Olivier Ferlatte and Adam Bourne

This research project has been approved by the Comité d’Éthique de la Recherche en Sciences et Santé (project # CERSES-2023-4853).