Queer Bets focuses on 2S/LGBTQIA+ people who gamble. We seek to understand the experiences and perspectives of 2S/LGBTQIA+ people who gamble and/or have had gambling-related problems in the past to identify interventions to reduce the impacts of gambling on 2S/LGBTQIA+ people.

This study has two components :

  • A qualitative component : through the photovoice methodology, which proposes that participants take a few photos of their experiences and discuss them in an interview.
  • A quantitative component : we will be using data from the Sex Now survey, developed in collaboration with the CBRC (Community-Based Research Center). This survey will be available shortly. 

Recruitment for the photovoice project is now open. We are looking for people who :

  • Are of legal age
  • Identify as 2S/LGBTQIA+
  • Live in Quebec
  • Gamble regularly (at least three times a month over the past six months)
  • AND/OR have experienced gambling-related problems in the past five years


Principal Investigator
Olivier Ferlatte

Amy Rhanim

Jorge Flores-Aranda, Ben Klassen, Annie-Claude Savard, Eva Monson, Nathan Lachowsky

Le projet Miser Queer est financé par les Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada.