Chemstory is a podcast series created by gay, bisexual and queer men and non-binary people who share their experiences related to chemsex*.
Chemstory puts forward the voices of people with chemsex experience (recent or long-standing) to stimulate nuanced and compassionate conversations about the relationship between drugs, sex, harm and pleasure. Since each episode is produced by a different member of the community, you can listen to them in any order you like.
"My participation in Chemstory has allowed me to take the time to reflect on my drug use in relation to my sexuality. It has allowed me to assess the experiences I've had, and it was very eye-opening to have a context to openly discuss them with others. I've really enjoyed my experience of participating in this project!"
* "Chemsex" is a contraction of the words "chemical" and "sex". Chemsex is the use of illicit drugs with the intention of having sex with these communities. It is also known as Party 'n' Play (PnP).
This project is approved by the ethics committee of the Université de Montréal (CERSES-20-157-D) and is funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
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