Call for proposals : Qualitative Symposium

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The Qualitative symposium is a scientific day dedicated to qualitative research in public health, organized by the Community of Practice in Qualitative Research* of the Université de Montréal School of Public Health. This first edition aims to bring together students, professors, researchers and research professionals to showcase the diversity of profiles, disciplines and approaches that can be mobilized in qualitative research.

The theme of the 2023 symposium is :  

Exploring possibilities for qualitative research in population health and well-being: perspectives, challenges and innovations. 

This theme reflects the crucial and growing role played by qualitative research in the production of knowledge on priority health issues, in Quebec and elsewhere. It also reflects a desire to unite across disciplines to bring qualitative methods to bear in the search for solutions to social inequalities in health, while putting forward the voices of the populations concerned.  

To participate :